Learning Happens
Through Play

Providing quality childcare since 1973

Philosophy & Goals


Children learn through play, and identify their strengths through play. We respect and recognize each child’s individuality in terms of culture, personality and development. We strive to help children maintain their individuality, and at the same time be a part of the group to which they belong.


We encourage all possible channels of communication as a means of encouraging parental input and involvement. The Centre encourages parent/guardian feedback as a tool to help their child to achieve the maximum benefit of attending our program.


We believe that the community also shares in the responsibility of child-rearing. We feel that it is essential to involve community members to be part of our Centre through their volunteer work.


Our staff have chosen to work in the childcare environment because they are committed to the development of children, who they believe are our future.

Curriculum Statement

At Epiphany Children’s Centre we believe that all children learn through play. We believe that children identify their strengths through play. Children grow and develop most positively when they are immersed in an atmosphere that is developmentally appropriate, warm, accepting and inviting. We respect and recognize each child’s individuality in terms of culture, personality and development and every attempt is made to help children maintain their individuality, and at the same time feel they are a part of the group to which they belong.

Our schedule includes free play, circle time, snack, and meal times and outdoor play each day. We offer sufficient free play time in the morning and afternoon so each child has enough time getting involved in play and can learn and develop to their fullest potential. Our schedule is consistent but flexible to meet children’s needs so children develop independence, confidence and feel secure in the childcare environment.

The environment is adapted to meet the needs of all children, so all children can be active participants

We believe that parents play an important role in their child’s care environment. We get to know our families so they are comfortable giving their input and to be involved in our curriculum. We share information about each child’s learning and development in the photos we display, and through informal meetings with parents and providing daily reports using ‘Hi Mama” app.

Both indoors and outdoors, children choose activities of their choice. The toys are periodically rotated based on the children’s involvement. The staff ensure, a wide range of toys are in shelves to stimulate different areas of development for each child. The program is flexible giving children extra time to expand on their play or experiences.

Staff observe children playing and takes advantage of ‘teachable moments’ by asking open ended questions to enhance creativity and language and encourage children to initiate and take the lead. When children lose interest in play, the staff introduce new activities that would meet the needs of all children.

We also include various visitors and programs in our curriculum. Magician, mad science, yoga, music, visit from the farm to name a few.

We are an inclusive program and we encourage and celebrate cultural diversity to foster the well being of all children and thereby enrich our communities. We celebrate festivities from around the world, so children learn about different cultures and have a sense of belonging.


Contact Information


Hours of Operation

Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:45 am - 5:45 pm
Tuesday 7:45 am - 5:45 pm
Wednesday 7:45 am - 5:45 pm
Thursday 7:45 am - 5:45 pm
Friday 7:45 am - 5:45 pm

Epiphany Children's Center

A 196 Dalhousie Dr, Winnipeg, MB R3T2Z1
P 204-261-7682
E ecci2@mymts.net

Our Executive Director

Hello! I am Deepa Raghavan, Executive Director of Epiphany Children’s Centre. I moved to Winnipeg in 1996 and joined the Epiphany family the same year., with a master’s in Child development and Family Dynamics. I also hold a Post-Diploma in Studies in Special Needs Childcare from Red River College and a Post Diploma in Early Childhood Program Management from Assiniboine Community College and have attained an Early Childhood Educator III classification (ECE III) under the Community Childcare Standards Act.

 Since 1996, I have worked in various positions at Epiphany and took over as Director in 2008.  It has been and is a wonderful experience working at Epiphany where the community is so diverse yet united, where harmony prevails amid variety.  Epiphany has helped me to carve out my career and success on my own terms, which has made me passionate about what I do.

Although I am fortunate to have had good instructors during my academic career, best teachers that helped me develop my practical skills … are the children! No institution could have taught me the practical skills that the children taught and continue to teach me! They are the best role models when it comes to creativity, imagination, conflict resolutions and the list goes on….

Our Team

All lead teachers are certified Early Childhood Educators (ECE II) bringing with them abundance of experience and knowledge. They are fully versed with developmental milestones and adapt the program to make sure that children fully participate in and enjoy the program. Our Childcare assistants are passionate about what they do and will not hesitate to go the extra mile in ensuring children receive the best of care.

All staff have received their certification as ECE II/CCA under the Community Childcare Standards Act. All staff have valid First Aid training certificate and have completed the Child Abuse registry. Our staff speak various languages in addition to English.

Board of Directors

Governing boards are independently incorporated and are the legal entity and authority for a non-profit childcare Centre. The Board oversees the operation of the Centre. The board is responsible for all aspects of the Centre’s program, employees, and funds.  Epiphany Children’s Centre Board consists of parent volunteers and community members.